Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (2025)

(previously named: WooHoo Wellness)

A COLLECTION of MODS made together to integrate each other, but able to be used independently.

NOTE: This mod gets updated frequently, and descriptions are sometimes a bit behind.

0: Core Library: General Mod Info
Just some basic info about how to use this mod collection (how to access settings, etc)

Mod 1: Pregnancy & Family Preferences
Does your Sim want children right now, is ok with anything, or does not want children? What about their partner? And how will all that play out if they don’t share the same wish? Do your Sim’s kids want siblings? Do their parents want grandchildren? What’s your Sim’s preference regarding baby names? How will everyone react to a new family member?

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (1)

Mod 2: Fertility and Protection
Individual or Global pregnancy risk, birth control, surgeries, social interactions!

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (2)

Mod 3 – WooHoo Transmissible Diseases
Diseases, accusations, acceptance or rejection, etc.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (3)

Mod 4 – Paternity Testing
In which Sims can discover who fathered their child, lie, tell the truth, rope another into marriage, reject offspring, and more.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (4)

Mod 5 – Teen Pregnancy Stuff
In which Teen Sims can freak out about being pregnant, make their parents freak out, get support or get kicked out…

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (5)

Mod 6 – Temporary Separations
Take a relationship break and try to figure things out before fully breaking up or reconciling.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (6)

JEALOUSY: expanded jealousy options at the Global and Individual level. Sims can be jealous only for certain acts, relationship types, etc
(IN)FIDELITY: changes the sentiment behavior for cheating, depending on the gravity of the fault, and offers added features and possibilities revolving around cheating. See different reactions depending on whether a Sim only flirted with another, kissed, or woohoo’d. Blame, forgive, lie about having ‘only flirted nothing more”, confess to cheating, tell a Sim your Sim slept with their partner… and more!

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (7)

A mod that offers the possibility for Sims to get artificial inseminations, become surrogate mothers or have another Sim carry a baby for them.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (8)

Mod 9: Adoption
Lets your Sims put their children up for adoption, via agencies or into the household of friends or family, after agreeing or fighting. Also, offers a different way to adopt children. Instead of just calling a phone number, leaving and coming back with a child, Sims have to satisfy the criteria of adoption agents. Sims are able to look for their biological parents.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (9)

Decide Custody and send children on Custody Visits – all it requires is for Sims to have had a child together and live in separate homes, Separate Permanently Amicably or Not, And more!

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (10)

Mod 11 – Termination of Pregnancy
In this (very optional) add-on, Sims can terminate pregnancies, accompany spouses to pregnancy termination, and experience the myriad of emotions that such a difficult decision can bring – differently according to pregnancy preferences as chosen in Mod 1 of course.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (11)

Mod 12 – Pregnancy Side Effects
An add-on that brings mood swings, cravings and back pain to Sim’s pregnancies, among other little things!

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (12)

TW Pregnancy Loss. This add-on makes it so that Sims might have miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. Either a global or a different risk level, various factors taken into account. Statistical and event-triggered.
Lost pregnancies can optionally be added to family tree, create an urn in the Sim’s inventory which enables them to name the unborn child and mourn them.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (13)

Settings and tweaks for pregnancy and family life, such as disabling the pregnancy walkstyle, enabing Cryptic Pregnancies, etc.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (14)

Special choices re. dating life, friendship, quick gender preference / orientation controls, etc.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (15)

Customizable, visible dating profiles, relationship goals, blind dates, semi blind dates, picked dates, various filters, preferences, etc

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (16)

Personality & Life Factors based and / or style (physique) based.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (17)

Mod 18: Expanded WooHoo
Expanded WooHoo (WooHoo Anywhere, WooHoo on any object, Multiple-Partner WooHoo, Swinging, WooHoo Parties)

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Mod 19: Adult Life
WooHoo Roles, WooHoo Drive, WooHoo Styles, Preferences, and more!

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Mod 20: DNA testing for Extended Family tracking & extended paternity testing
Work in Progress.

Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (20)

Other concepts planned

And likely even more to come!


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Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (21)

~currently modding & mod support is my main work; your support ensures that I can continue~
Hello, I am Lumpinou! I make Sims 4 mods to enhance your experience. Modding for the Sims is my way to still be creative despite some difficult times. If you enjoy my mods – any support you can give would be more than appreciated.

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Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (22)

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Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul Collection (2025)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.