Return to Never Land - Wikiquote (2025)

Return to Never Land (also known as Peter Pan in: Return to Never Land and later retitled Peter Pan II: Return to Never Land on current home video release) is a 2002 animated film, in which Wendy's daughter Jane refuses to believe in her mother's stories, only to be mistakenly brought to Neverland by Captain Hook and meet Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, and the Lost Boys. It is a sequel to the 1953 film Peter Pan.

Directed by Robin Budd. Written by Temple Mathews, based on characters created by J.M. Barrie.
The One and Only Peter Pan is Back.taglines



  • Danny! Storytime is over! Look! It's a war! Peter Pan isn't real, and people don't fly!
  • Oh, come on, Danny, grow up! It's just a lot of childish nonsense!
  • Peter Pan, pixie dust... childish nonsense. [cries]
  • Peter Pan? Tinker Bell? Oh. I get it. I'm dreaming. You're not real.
  • I told my little brother you weren't real.
  • Well. Oh, I don't know. But I have to get back and set things right.
  • This is ridiculous. I can't fly!
  • Or maybe you're full of hot air.
  • Leave me alone! I don't believe in any of this! And I especially don't believe in fairies!
  • Wait! You must swear not to harm Peter.
  • I didn't do it, Peter! I never agreed to this!
  • Not so fast, you old codfish! Or you'll have to answer to me!
  • Don't you see, Hook? You'll never win. Not as long as there's faith, trust, and... pixie dust.
  • Well, it's a long way home. Give me your best shot, Tink.
  • I'll always believe in you, Peter Pan.

Peter Pan


  • I didn't know a codfish could talk. Did you, Tinker Bell? [Tinker Bell laughs]
  • [to Jane] You're SURE not Wendy.
  • Come and get me, you old codfish!
  • If you're not Wendy, who are you?
  • [to The Lost Boys] If we don't get Jane to believe in fairies, Tink's light's gonna go out.
  • [while being dragged away by the pirates, to Jane] You're a traitor, Jane! You lied to me! And because you don't believe in fairies, Tink's light is going out!
  • Let the Lost Boys go!
  • Be brave, lads. Don't let 'em see you cry. [the Lost Boys turn around and cry]
  • [seeing Jane fly] Unbelievable!
  • [confronting Captain Hook] Game's over, Hook! I win! Ha!
  • Hey, Captain! You forgot your anchor!
  • SMEE!!!
  • [as the Jolly Roger flies off to the sky] You've not seen the end of me, Peter Pan! I'll get you for this! If it's the last thing I do!
  • [meeting Jane for the first time, thinking she's her mother] Hello, Wendy.
  • Curses! Bring her down! Hurry, Smee!
  • This is simply perfect! Yes, Mr. Smee, with Wendy as bait, we shall lure Peter Pan to his doom!
  • Mr. Smee, be a good fellow and fix the plank... SO I CAN MAKE YOU WALK IT!
  • Pan, you double-crossing pipsqueak! Come back here and fight like a man!
  • Great Scott! No sooner do I rid me self of that cursed crocodile, and now this! I swear, Smee, this is propelling me to delirium, I detest cephalopods.
  • Blast that scurvy boy! This is all his fault. Mr. Smee, pipe up the crew! We're going ashore to find Peter Pan!
  • Step softly, you worthless dogs! Set your sights for Peter Pan!
  • There'll be no rest until we have that boy in irons.
  • All I've ever wanted was to get away from this dreadful place, and home to my dear, sweet mother. But blast it all! Peter stole my treasure, and my men would mutiny if I so much as tried to leave without it. So here I am, stuck in this absurd place.
  • Leave the light on, Mommy. Your baby boy's coming home.
  • It's time to meet your maker, Peter Pan.
  • Sorry. No can do. And thank you, my dear. I couldn't have done it without you.
  • And Captain Hook is a man of his word. I promised I wouldn't harm a single hair on his head. And... [pulls off a strand of Peter's hair] ...this is the one I won't harm! Here, you keep it.
  • Look at him, Smee. He's nothing but a child. And I loathe children. Cut him down.
  • Oh. They'll go. Right after you. One by one, off the end of the plank!
  • [mockingly] Good heavens! Run! Run for your lives! It's... a little girl.
  • Get it off me! Get it off me!

Mr. Smee


  • [to the octopus] Oh, you big brute, you! Off with you. Go on, now. Shoo, shoo. And take your arms with you. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. [the octopus squirts water at him; Smee gives him a dirty look] Hmm! At least the crocodile had manners!
  • Oh, and look, captain! A fairy too!



  • Let's play the "no more hitting Cubby on the head" game.
  • I thought you said you got her.
  • Kind of bad? Kind of? Oh, it's hopeless! Poor little Tinker Bell! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  • Well, let's just go and make her believe!
  • [seeing octopus approaching, chasing Captain Hook] Abandon ship!



[First lines]
Narrator: The story always ends the same. Peter Pan shouts...
Peter: Goodbye, Wendy!
Narrator: And then Wendy shouts back to him...
Young Wendy: I'll always believe in you, Peter Pan!
Narrator: And Wendy did believe, always, even as she left childhood behind and came to have children of her own.
[Years later, an older Wendy appears at the window with her husband and children, Danny and Jane]
Wendy: There it is, Jane. Second star to the right and straight on till morning.
Jane: Neverland!
Edward: I need you here to take care of your mom and Danny. Can you do that for me?
Jane: Mm-hmm.
Edward: That's my big girl. [kisses Jane]
Narrator: But the war lasted much longer that anyone could have imagined. Bombs fell from the sky and tore at the very heart of London.
Man: Don't cry, son. [train tooting]
Conductor: All aboard!
Narrator: In an effort to protect its children, the government decreed that they all be sent to the countryside for safekeeping.
Boy: Bye!
Woman: Goodbye!
Boy: Goodbye!
Man: Bye-bye!
Boy: I love you!
Woman: Good luck, sweetie!
Narrator: In times such as these, it is no wonder some discard childish things, like Peter Pan and Neverland.
Old Man: Evacuation, ma'am. Your children are scheduled on the morning train.
Wendy: So soon? I didn't even tell them!
Old Man: The sooner, the better, if you ask me. Goodnight, mum.
Wendy: Jane, dear. Would you promise me something? Promise you watch over Danny, whatever might happen?
Jane: What?
Wendy: [sighs] You and your brother are going away for a while.
Jane: [gasps] Away? Wh...Where?
Wendy: All the children are being evacuated to the country. It's so dangerous here! But you'll be safe there. Both of you.
Jane: I'm not going! I'm staying here!
Wendy: But, dear, an order has been issued. Every child must go.
Jane: But Daddy said that I'm supposed to...
Wendy: I know, dear. But you can take care of Danny. Tell Peter Pan stories...he needs them, Jane. And so do you. Please, dear, promise me.
Jane: No! I will not promise!
Wendy: Oh, Jane. We'll be together again. You must have faith...
Jane: [turns red in anger] Faith? [furiously kicks the monkey doll] Trust? [angrily throws the cushion on the floor] Pixie dust? Mother, those are just words from your stories! They don't mean anything! [crossing her arms]
Danny: Yes they do. Peter Pan said they'll make you fly.
Jane: Danny, storytime is over! [furiously opens the curtains] Look, it's a war! Peter Pan isn't real and people don't fly!
Danny: [on the verge of standing up for himself] They do, too!
Jane: Oh, come on, Danny! Grow up!
Wendy: Jane!
Jane: [ignoring Wendy and still shouting angrily at Danny] It's just a lot of childish nonsense!
Danny: You're lying! [runs away]
Wendy: Jane, how could you treat your brother that way? You think you're very grown-up, but you have a great deal to learn.
Peter: If you're not Wendy, who are you?
Jane: I'm her daughter, Jane!
Peter: Huh! Well, if you're Wendy's daughter, you're going to love it here!
Captain Hook: Great Scott! No sooner do I rid myself of that cursed crocodile and now this! [hugs Smee]
Smee: Oh, there, there. He's just a playful little sea urchin is all.
Captain Hook: I swear, Smee, this is propelling me to delirium! I DETEST cephalopods!
Captain Hook: Step softly, you worthless dogs! Set your sights for Peter Pan!
Smee: [sarcastically] Oh, goodness. Haven't we searched the island a thousand times before?
Captain Hook: [anger steadily rising] I beg your pardon, Mr. Smee?
Smee: Uh, I said that, uh, searching for Pan is, um, galore!
Captain Hook: [facepalms] There'll be no rest until we have that boy in irons!
Peter: Sound off!
Slightly: Slightly
Nibs: Nibs
The Twins: The Twins
Cubby: [Landing on his head] Ow! [His face flops on the floor] (muffled) Cubby
slightly: [Pointing to Tootles] And that's Tootles
Jane: I'm not good on telling stories
Cubby: Aww that's okay, [Nibs aims a slingshot upward] Were not good at listening to stories [Nibs shoots the slingshot upward and caused a nut to fell on Cubby's head] Ow!

[The twins runs around]

Nibs: I know, let's play a game instead
The Twins: [jumping around Slightly] Red rover Red rover!
Slightly: Nah, something else [he pouts]
Cubby: Let's play the "no more hitting Cubby on the head" game [He puts a small barrel over his head pouting] [Nibs smashes the barrel]
Captain Hook: So, the girl can't fly, yet she wants to go home. Smee, do you know what this means?
Smee: Six more weeks of winter?
Captain Hook: No, you imbicile! We'll have the treasure, and the boy. [sneaks away with Smee and the pirates]
Peter: Hey, what's this? [takes Jane's list, puts it over his eyes]
Jane: Oh, give that back! It's my list! Things to do, places to be, important things!
Peter: Huh!? That stuff's no fun! No wonder you can't fly.
Jane: Give it back, Peter!
Peter: Slightly, catch! [tosses the list to Slightly, who turn it to Jane's back, which Nibs gets it] Keep away from Jane!
[Nibs passes the list to the Twins]
Jane: [tries to catch it] You boys are horrid!
Slightly: Come on, come on, over here!
[The Twins toss it to Slightly, he slides it under him and Tootles gets it, and run through Jane's legs]
Cubby: Come on, why don't you guys ever throw it to me?
Jane: No! Stop it, this isn't funny!
[Tootles holds the list up and Peter kicks it like a ball]
Cubby: I got it! [the list flies into his mouth. As Jane gasps, he accidentally gulps it down, and burps]
[The Lost Boys and Peter laugh, which angers Jane]
Jane: This is just a game to you, isn't it?! Well, I'm tired of playing!
Peter: Gosh, Jane. We didn't mean to make you mad.
Jane: Oh, grow up! You did so! [grabs the ruined note and angrily throws it at Peter] You're just a bunch of silly, ridiculous children! [Tinker Bell pulls her hair] No-No, leave me alone! I don't believe in any of this! [Tinker Bell's shaking her fists] And I especially don't believe in fairies! [Tinker Bell is shocked; Peter and the Lost Boys gasped in shock] Good-bye! [storms off]
Peter: [cannot believe this; angrily] Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance! [angrily crosses his arms]
[Then Tinker Bell sinks down to the floor. She tries to fly, but she didn't do it]
Cubby: Uh, Peter? [Peter turns around] I think something's wrong with Tinker Bell.
Slightly: [after taking tinker bells temperature] Ooh. Looks kind of bad.
Cubby: Kind of bad? Kind of? [his lips quiver and he bursts into tears] Oh, it's hopeless! [He hugs Tootles] Poor little Tinker Bell! WAH!
Peter: Hey! Put a cork on it.
Lost Boys: [Cubby hugs Tootles tightly, Nibs and Slightly shoves a club in Cubby's mouth shutting Cubby up] Shh!
Peter: [listening to Tinker Bell] Uh-huh. Uh-huh. What?
Slightly: What'd she say, Peter?
Peter: If we don't get Jane to believe in fairies, Tink's light's going to go out.
[The Lost Boys gasp]
Cubby: [grabs the club] Well, let's just go and make her believe!
Jane: All right, I give up. What's your problem?
Captain Hook: All I've ever wanted was to get away from this dreadful place and home to my dear, sweet mother. But blast it all! Peter stole my treasure and my men would mutiny if I so much as tried to leave without it. So here I am, stuck in this absurd place. My sources tell me you wish to return home as well.
Jane: Huh. You got that right. I guess we're in the same boat.
Captain Hook: The...The same boat? That's it!
Jane: What's it?
Captain Hook: I'll give passage home on my ship and you can help me recover my treasure. [pause] Don't you see? The treasure is useless to Peter. He's not sensible like you and I. He's just a boy who never grows up.
Jane: Huh. Tell me about it.
[The Jolly Roger is sinking with Captain Hook still on board]
Captain Hook: Help me, please! HELP!
Peter: You know the rules, Hook. A good captain always goes down with his ship.
Captain Hook: [pauses] I DON'T WANT TO BE A GOOD CAPTAIN!
Jane: [hugging Wendy] You were right! He is most remarkable!
Wendy: Who, dear?
Jane: Oh, Mother, I'm so sorry. If only I'd listened to you.
[Peter sees Wendy for the first time in years]
Peter: Wendy?
Wendy: Hello, Peter.
Peter: [disappointed] Oh. You changed.
Wendy: [smiles] Not really. Not ever.



  • The One and Only Peter Pan is Back.
  • Where An All New Adventure is A About to Begin



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Return to Never Land - Wikiquote (2025)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.